Friday, December 11, 2015

Screen Shot 2015-12-04 at 4.38.58 AMCalling all Google Play users! Google Play is currently offering up Wrapped In Red by Kelly Clarkson MP3 Album Download for FREE! You will need to checkout with a credit card or PayPal to process the order, but you will not be charged since this is completely free. 

ZantacStop over to our coupons page to print out this high value $6/1 Zantac 24-Count or Larger Coupon! Since this coupon is a manufacturer’s coupon, it can be used anywhere, not just at CVS. Use it at Target to score a 2 FREE Boxes of Zantac!
Buy 2 Zantac 75mg 30-Count or 150mg 24-Count – $7.59 each
Use this $3/$15 Zantac or Dulcolax Target Mobile Coupon (text OFFERSto 827438)
Plus, use this $3/2 Zantac Items Target Store Coupon
Plus, use 2 of these $6/1 Zantac Coupons
Final Cost: 2 FREE Boxes!
ICEEReminder! Target REDcard holders, this post is for you! Starting today (December 10th) through December 24th, Target will be giving away a FREE Beverages for REDcard holders! Just stop by the Target Cafe then to snag yours. Valid for 16oz JambaGO Smoothie, Small ICEE, or Fountain Drink. For more information, you can log into Target’s website and click the “manage my REDcard” link. Sounds good!
Screen Shot 2015-12-10 at 10.09.35 AMYou can currently apply to host a Family Fun Night with Chromecast and Hasbro Games House Party! If selected from the 2,000 available spots, you will receive a a free Chromecast device, a $30 Pizza Hut Gift Card, and more! Several FreebieSharkers have hosted house parties in the past…it’s a great way to try new products with your friends!
If you are not quite sure what a house party is, you can learn more about it here.
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Hand Stenciled Accent Wall

boring plain wall

My bedroom was lacking character, even after painting the walls a pale lilac. Luckily I had extra time on my hands and a great wall stencil stashed in the basement.

I measured the width of the wall and started in the top center if the wall. Make sure your stencil is level using a small hand level. I have swirled plaster walls so I had to use tape to hold the stencil in place.

I could have simply painted while the stencil was in place but I wanted the look of free hand painting so I traced the stencil lightly with a pencil over the entire wall before painting.

The painting took a few evenings to finish. I used a small brush and custom mixed my paint from my paint collection in the basement. 

I love the way it turned out, it reminds me of the wallpaper in my grandmothers bedroom. Best part - it did not cost me a thing besides my time!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Ugly Dresser Turned French Distressed Chic

Our guest room is a modge podge of various pieces of furniture that either do not fit in other rooms, or are awaiting their new home. One such piece of furniture is the tall dresser from our original bedroom set. When I found an antique dresser and refinished it for our bedroom the old dresser made its way into the guest room, sitting vacant and ugly in the corner of the room. 
before - ugly and outdated

I finally tired of looking at it looking all sad and piled with odds and ends that also did not have a home, so I went into my paint stash in the basement to find a suitable color to paint it. I normally never find the color I like the first time and I am somewhat a hoarder of paint samples. I simply cannot pass up the mis-tinted paint display at any home improvement store without seeing if there is something I just may use down the road. 

I found a nice pale blue/grey tinted paint and mixed up my chalk paint concoction (1 cup of paint with 2 tbsp non-sanded grout and 2 tbsp water). The first coat always leaves a little of the wood showing through, but I love chalk paint as you cannot actually mess it up! Not the color I was looking for so I mixed up a little slate grey with some white and my chalk paint mixture - the second coat was just what I was aiming for. 

I left the base pretty basic, just light sanding with 800 grit sandpaper and distressing along the details to smooth the finish before waxing. The drawers were distressed a bit with 200 grit sandpaper, then 800 to smooth the finish and then waxed. I like the way you can see not only the wood but also the first layer of paint that I applied. 
after - pretty and functional 
I decided not to attached the doors on top and instead added baskets to keep everything organized. Original hardware was kept - I thought about painting it but I liked the way it went with the new paint colors.